Flip top dispensing screw cap 28/410

fliptop cap snap-top 28mm container 28-410 dispensing spoutcap

28 mm flip-top hinge cap, closure for plastic bottle packaging

Snap top for dispensing shampoos, gels, creams, lotions, hand soaps, sanitizer, cleaning products, detergents and other viscous liquids

Cap size: 28-410 / 28 mm

Closure profile: smooth wall

Orifice size: 3 mm / 4 mm / 6 mm

Seal: bore seal / IHS

Material: PP

Standard colour: white (other colours available on request)

HP11193-7 - Fliptop 28-410 / bore seal / 3mm / white

HP11194-7 - Fliptop 28-410 / conisch / 4mm / wit

HP11196C-7 - Fliptop 28-410 / IHS PET / 6mm / white


All sorts of compatible plastic PET and HDPE bottles available